Normally in writing this blog, I have tried to stay away from stories about myself. Who really cares about what I did today if it doesn’t somehow add value to anyone? I don’t want to bore my readers, they’ll never return. However, I am making a slight change in this policy. On this Thanksgiving Day, I am writing about myself and why I am so thankful. I hope you’ll read on!
On September 9th, 2007 I had a massive heart attack biking around Lake Tahoe in the Tour De Tahoe. After 1.5 hours on the bike, I felt weak and pulled over to get some food and re-hydrate. To make a long story short, 20 minutes later I was in an ambulance heading for the Tahoe-Truckee hospital. After several attempts to open my right coronary artery I was placed on a medi-flight for the Renown Hospital in Reno. 4 days in the Cardiac Care ICU and 3 days in recovery, I flew home to Los Altos with an entirely new perspective on life.
The photo to the right is me climbing up and around Emerald Bay 45 minutes before Heart Attack. (Picture courtesy of Laine Photolabs, Inc.)
One must understand that I am only 43, fairly fit (I play water polo twice a week and compete in age group triathlons 4 times a year) and previously had no heart problems of any sort. Needless to say, the last 2 months have been a roller coaster of emotions, rehab and getting my medications correct.
Picture below is me in recovery mode on day 5 (days 1-4 were not so happy)
Although it may sound trite, I no longer take things for granted. My time has become much more important and I want to fill it with things that matter…. my wife, kids, friends and family. Its interesting how much fun a family hike to Pillar Point or how short the 45 minute drive to Morgan Hill for a soccer tournament has become.
I hope this Thanksgiving that everyone can gain the insights and perspective that I have over the past two+ months without having to endure the hospital time. Enjoy life and remember its How You Live! Happy Thanksgiving!